Texting Feature Now Available

Your Lifetime Wealth Strategies Team |

Sometimes, there's one question you've been meaning to ask, and you only remember to ask it just as your head hits the pillow. We often have a question or a thought at a time when we can't necessarily make a phone call, so we created a way for clients to text our office for support.

Our advisors each have a number that is dedicated to text messages between clients. This separate number keeps your information safe, follows the regulatory guidelines for customer communications, and helps us maintain the appropriate records. 

In addition to the advisor's numbers, we added a Client Support Text number for your general questions and needs.

A text to this line will be received and addressed by our operations team. We're all in constant communication, so if your question is better answered by an advisor, they can get it handled quickly.

Text: 502-373-0909

We suggest you save the number in your phone as "LWS Text Support" or something similar, to avoid confusion with your normal contact methods with our office.

Try it out and let us know what you think!